Monday, March 15, 2021

Points to Remember on OOPS in Python


  Points to Remember on OOPS in Python


* Procedure oriented Programming Approach is the methodology where programming is done using procedures and functions .


* Procedure Oriented Programming Approach is generally followed by languages like C , Pascal and Fortran


* Python programming can take up programming using procedure oriented approach ( like C ) or Object Oriented Programming Approach ( like Java and C++ ) depending upon requirement .


* An object is anything that really exists in the world and can be distinguished from other objects . It is like an entity which has a unique existence and also displays some form of attributes and behaviours.


* Every Object has some behaviour that is characterised by attributes and actions . Here , attributes means the manner of conductance of any action . Attributes are represented by variables and actions are performed by methods . So , an object contains variables and methods .


* A function which is written inside a class is called as Method .


* A Class is a model or Blueprint for the creation of objects . And , a class contains variables and methods .


* Objects are created from a Class * An object does nothing without a class , however a class can exist without any object .


* Encapsulation is a mechanism where the data ( variables ) and the code ( methods ) that act on the data are bound together .


* Class is an example for Encapsulation since it contains both data and code .


* Hiding the unnecessary data and code from the user is called as Abstraction .


* In order to hide variables or methods , one should declare the variables or methods are private members . This is done by writing two underscores before the names of the variable or the methods .


* Private Members can be accessed using "Name Mangling" where the class name is used with single underscore before it and two underscores after it in the form of :






* Creating new classes from existing classes so that new classes would acquire all the features of the existing classes is called as Inheritance .


* In Inheritance , the first class generally created is called as Base Class or Super Class . The newly created Class is called as Sub-Class or Derived Class .


* Polymorphism represents the ability of an object or method to assume several different forms


* The Programming Languages which follow all the five features of OOPS namely : classes and objects , Encapsulation , Abstraction , Inheritance and Polymorphism are called as Object Oriented Programming Languages . For example: C++ , Java and Python fall into this category of Programming Languages .


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