This technical blog is my own collection of notes , articles , implementations and interpretation of referred topics in coding, programming, data analytics , data science , data warehousing , Cloud Applications and Artificial Intelligence . Feel free to explore my blog and articles for reference and downloads . Do subscribe , like , share and comment ---- Vivek Dash
Monday, July 12, 2021
Infographic Note on Correlation Analysis using corr() function over a Pandas dataframe in Python
Infographic Note on Correlation Analysis of numerical attributes of a Pandas Dataframe in Python
Infographic Note on Outliers Detection , finding Inter-Quartile ranges and Interpreting Box-Plot diagrams over Pandas Dataframe in Python
Infographic Note on steps to perform Count , filter , group and aggregate numerical values over a dataset using Numpy and Pandas in Python using Jupyter Notebook IDE
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Infographic Note on Numpy Arrays in Python with Questions and Answers on Array and Matrix Creation and Data Retrieval
Q1) Print range between 1 to 20 and show 5 integer random numbers
Q2) Print range between 1 to 100 and show 10 random integer numbers
Q3) Print range between 1 to 1000 and show 20 random integer numbers
Q4) Print a matrix with range between random number - 5 rows and 5 cols integer random numbers
Q5) Print a matrix range between random number - 10 rows and 6 cols integer random numbers in a matrix format
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
An Infographic Note on Arrays in Numpy in Python with standard questions and answers on Array Creation and associated Operations
Monday, June 14, 2021
Monday, June 7, 2021
Lists and Dictionaries in Python Dictionaries in Python
When should one use dictionaries and when should one use lists in Python
* Example where a List is used for data storage is an example of a shopping cart where any stored item object's storage does not matter .
* Example where a Dictionary Item object is used as a storage object is that of a an examination roll / rank number sheet ( parikhya patra ) where people are arranged on the basis of their marks obtained in some examination from Rank 1 to the last rank in the exam . Usually the person who obtains the highest marks in a given exam is attributted the 1st rank and the first roll number for that examination is also alloted to the first rank holder after the results are out , the successive role numbers are also attributed according the net marks obtained by an examiner in the considered case of the examination till the last rank/roll number of the examiner .
* A dictionary is very useful data storage object where one may need to access a given data based on the item that is present over a given index position within the storage object of the data structure .
To sum up once again for Lists and Dictionaries
* Lists are ordered data structure objects that means that the program has control over the
order in which the data is stored . This data is also sortable that means that the program can sort the data into whatever order when the data is needed to be fetched and retrieved , the list is also containing a list of iterable items i,e items that can be accessed one item at a time when the list object is iterated or
executed within a loop .
* Dictionaries are like the partially ordered data structures that
can control the order or the manner in which the data items are inserted and stored within the
object in the form of keys and attributes . Dictionaries are non-sortable
and iterable in pairs of both keys
and associated value objects .
modified: 18:49
Monday, April 19, 2021
Advanced Matrix Operations – A theoretical view
Advanced Matrix Operations – A theoretical
* One may encounter some
important matrix operations using algorithmic formulations
* The advanced matrix operations
are formulating the transpose and inverse of any given matrix form of dataset
* Transposition occurs when a
matrix of shape n x m is transformed into a matrix in the form of m x n by
exchanging the rows with the columns
* Most of the tests indicate the
operation using the superscript T in the form of A( transpose )
* One can apply " matrix inversion " over
matrices of shape m x m , which are square matrices that have the same number
of rows and columns . In mathematical language , this form of square ordering
of matrices is said that the matrix has m rows and m columns .
* The above operation is
important for the sake of finding the immediate resolution of the various
equations which involve matrix multiplication such as y = bX where one has to discover the values in the vector b . More
on Matrix multiplications with more conceptual examples would be showcased in
another article in which I shall try to cover how the Matrix Multiplication of
different Matrices occur and how this Multiplication is used to solve more
important / complex problems .
* Since most scalar numbers
(exceptions including zero) have a number whose multiplication results in a
value of 1 , the idea is to find a matrix inverse whose multiplication would
result in a special matrix called the identity matrix whose elements are zero ,
except the diagonal elements
( the elements in positions where the index 1
is equal to the index j)
* Now , if one wants to find the
inverse of a scalar quantity , then one can do so by finding the inverse of a
scalar . (The scalar number n has an inverse value that is n to the power minus
1 which can be represented by 1/n that is 1 upon n )
* Sometimes, finding the inverse
of a matrix is impossible and hence the inverse of a matrix A is indicated as A
to the power minus 1
* When a matrix cannot be
inverted, it is referred to "singular matrix" or a "degenerate matrix" .
Singular matrices are usually not found in isolation, rather are quite rare to
occur and generalise .
Sunday, January 17, 2021
13 - Sample Space of Events and Basic Operations like Union , Intersection , Complement etc
09 - Types of Sample Spaces ( Finite , Countably Infinite , Non Countably Infinite , Non-Discrete )