Thursday, July 29, 2021

Issue with Techgig's Question of the day - shows fail for right output for code submission


Issue found with today's techgig challenge :

Even if the testcase output matches the expected output  , the console shows a "Fail" as Execution Log while Submitting Code.

In the left panel one can see that the submission with "custom input" however shows a pass .

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Pattern Programming in Python - Pattern 02 | Infographic Note


Pattern Programming in Python - Pattern 01 | Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding sub-string match patterns to validate a genuine number from a numeric string using Regular Expressions and search() method in Python | Conceptual Infographic Note


Case 01 : Ascertaining a positive match using "\w" to match a specific phone number to a generic string

Case 02 : Ascertaining a negative  match or mismatch using "\w" whether a  match over given string occurs or not

Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding a sub-string match and its count from a main string using Regular Expressions and findall() function in Python | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Replacing a word ("sub-string") with another word ("sub-string") in a main string using Regular Expressions and substitute function in Python | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding matching pattern of the main string using Regular Expressions and findall() function in Python | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding matching pattern of the main string using Regular Expressions and findall() function in Python | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding Positional Indexes of each matching pattern of the main string using Regular Expressions | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding and Retrieving specific sub-strings with commonality in patterns using Regular Expressions | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding and Retrieving specific sub-strings with commonality in patterns using Regular Expressions | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding and Retrieving specific sub-string and their cpount of occurrence from a main parent string using regular expressions | Conceptual Infographic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding and Retrieving specific positional indexes of sub-strings and index positions from a parent string using regular expressions and store them in one dictionary | Conceptual Inforgraphic Note


Regular Expressions in Python | Scenario - Finding and Retrieving specific sub-strings and integers from a parent string using regular expressions and store them in one dictionary | Conceptual Inforgraphic Note


Regular Expressions in Python usecase Scenario | Finding and Retrieving specific sub-strings from a parent string using regular expressions and storing in separate list | Conceptual Inforgraphic Note


Friday, July 23, 2021

Features of NoSQL Databases and their Usage for Analytics | 5 Conceptual Questions and Answers | Concept Infographic Note


Topics discussed in the post the following questionnaire :

Q1) What are some predominant features of No-SQL databases ?

Q2) Why NoSQL is called "SQL with a No " with "No" as the preceding string on SQL ?

Q3) How do organisations leverage NoSQL data for their businesses ?

Q4) Where are NoSQL databases useful ?

Q5) What do you mean by the statement , "The constraints of a relational database are relaxed ? "

Difference between RDBMS and NoSQL databases | 10 Conceptual Questions and Answers | Concept Infographic Note

Questions and answers discussed in the post:
Q1) What are the different ways in which RDBMS databases differ from NOSQL databases?
Q2) What are the Applications Level feature supported by RDBMS and NoSQL Databases ?
Q3) What are the principles of RDBMS and NoSQL type databases ?
Q4) Explain about Availability aspect of RDBMS and NoSQL type databases ?
Q5) What is the data velocity supported over RDBMS and NoSQL databases ?
Q6) What do you mean by Latency . What happens if Latency is High ? And what happens if Latency is Low ?
Q7) What is the data volume supported over RDBMS and NoSQL databases ?
Q8) What are the data sources present over RDBMS and NoSQL databases ?
Q9) What are the different data types that are present over RDBMS and NoSQL ?
Q10) What are the different data accesses that are present over RDBMS and NoSQL ?
Q11) What are the different technologies that are supported over RDBMS and NoSQL ?
Q12) Write about the cost aspects of RDBMS and NoSQL

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Shopping Cart Total Bill Generation Project in Python using Jupyter Notebook | Sample Mini-Project Implementation Infographic Note


Concept of "NoSQL Databases" in Big Data Analytics with 7 sample conceptual questions and answers | Infographic Note with explanation


Examples of Using "JOIN" function on Python Data Structures | Sample Conceptual Questions with Answers with examples | Infographic Note


Example - 01 : Joining Numeric List Elements with char string

Example - 02 : Joining Tuples with character string

Example - 03 : Joining List elements with long string

Example - 04 : Joining Character List Elements with long string

Example - 05 : Joining Character List Elements with null string

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Twitter Sentiment Analysis Conceptual Infographic Notes | Getting Started with Sentiment Analysis based NLP Project with its main objectives , considerations , challenges , Approach and Steps


Introduction to the concept of "Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)" with 3 general questions and answers | An Infographic Note


More on this at :

An Introduction to Classification Algorithms with 10 fundamental questions | An Infographic Note with questions and answers


Questions Covered :
Q1) What are Naive bayes Classifiers ?
Q2) What do you mean by Probabilistic Classification ?
Q3) What do you mean by Statistical Classification ?
Q4) Give an example of Statistical Classification .
Q5) What is a Classifier Algorithm ?
Q6) Give some examples of various forms of classification .
Q7) Which is the most used Classification algorithm in Statistics ?
Q8) What are some of the characteristics of a Classification problem ?
Q9) What are the popular acronyms for samples , independent and dependent variables in Machine learning (ML)
Q10) What is the difference between Binary Classification and Multiclass Classification ?

Building "Rock-Paper-Scissors" Game Project in Python using Random Module and Conditional Loops | Infographic Note with Code and Explanation


Building a "Number Guessing Game by Computer" Project in Python using Random Module | Infographic Note with Code and Explanation


Monday, July 12, 2021

Infographic Note on why Outliers are not deleted at the time of Data Processing or Data Analysis in Statistics


Infographic Note with questions and answers on the concepts of MinMaxScaler function , Standard Scaler Function , Normalisation , Standardisation in Statistical Analysis


Infographic Note on Correlation Analysis using corr() function over a Pandas dataframe in Python


Infographic Note on Correlation Analysis of numerical attributes of a Pandas Dataframe in Python


Infographic Note on Python Code Analysis of a Sample Outliers Detection function over a numerical attribute in a pandas dataframe


Infographic Note on Outliers Detection , finding Inter-Quartile ranges and Interpreting Box-Plot diagrams over Pandas Dataframe in Python


Infographic Note on steps to perform Count , filter , group and aggregate numerical values over a dataset using Numpy and Pandas in Python using Jupyter Notebook IDE