Monday, March 15, 2021

Classes and Objects in OOPS - a short introduction in Python


     Classes and Objects in OOPS


* A Class is a model or plan to create objects . This means , one can write a class with the attributes and actions of objects .


* Attributes are represented by variables and actions are performed by methods. Therefore , a class contains both variables and methods .


* The same variables and methods are also available within the objects because the objects are created from the class to which the variables and methods belong.


* These variables are also called as 'instance variables' because these instance variables can be created inside an instance like an object .


* One should remember the difference between a function and a method. A function which is written inside a class is called as a Method.


* Generally, a Method is called using one of the following two ways :

1) classname.methodname()

2) instancename.methodname()



* The general format of a class is given in the following manner:

Class Classname(object):

def _init_(self):

def method01():

def method02():


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