Showing posts with label algebra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label algebra. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Set-Difference Operations in RDBMS - an explanatory blog


            Set-Difference Operations in RDBMS


* The Set-Difference operation , denoted by "-" allows us to find the tuples that are in one relation but not in another .


* The expression , ( r - s ) produces a relation containing those tuples in r but not in s .


* One can find all the customers of the bank who have an account but not a loan by writing in the below manner :


* In the case of the Union Operation , one must ensure that the set differences are taken between compatible relations .


* For a set-difference operation where "r-s" to be valid , one requires that the relations r and s be of the same arity , and that the domains of the ith attribute of r and the ith attribute of s should be the same .

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Cartesian Product Operation in SQL and RDBMS - concept discussion with example

  Cartesian Product Operation


* The Cartesian product operation is denoted by a cross ( X ) which allows us to combine information from any two relations .


* One can write the Cartesian Product of Relations R1 and R2 as R1 x R2


* A relation is by definition a subset of a Cartesian product of a set of domains .


* From the definition , one can have an intuition about the definition of the Cartesian product operation .


* Since the same attribute name may appear in both R1 and R2 , one may need to devise a naming schema to distinguish between the attributes .


* One can do the attachment to an attribute , the name of the relation from which the attribute originally came from .


* For example , the relation schema for

r = borrower * loan is :



borrower.customer_name ,


loan.loan_number ,

loan.branch_name ,

loan.branch_name ,




* With the schema , one can distinguish between borrower.loan_number from loan.loan_number as both the attributes do have the same name but the main relational table for the table are different which are loan and borrower


* The naming convention for any of the relations or schemas requires that the relation should have distinct names


* In general , if we have two relations r1(R1) and r2(R2) , then r1 x r2 is a relation whose schema is the concatenation of relations R1 and R2 .


Relation R contains all the tuples t for which there is a tuple t1 in relation r1 ; and a tuple t2 in r2 for which t|R1| = t|R1| and t|R2| = t2|R2|


* Suppose we want to find the names of all the customers who have a loan at the "PerryRidge" branch , then one may need the information in both the loan relation and the borrower relation through the given selection statement .


<< FIG - 01 >>



 From the given statement , one can find that a selection of attribute "branch-name" can be done with a relation existing from the relational tables for borrower and the loan relational table but given that the branch_name is "PerryRidge" over here .


* From the above relation , if one wants to find if there is a cartesian product operation that associates every tuple of loan with every tuple of borrower , with the customer having a loan in the “PerryRidge” branch , then there is some tuple in borrower x loan that contains the name of the customers which can be obtained by

criterion / condition from one table borrower to table loan where borrower.loan_number = loan.loan_number


Union Operation in RDBMS - Fundamental Relational Algebra Concept


            Union Operation - RDBMS

        Fundamental Relational Algebra Concept


* Scenario where a Union Operation over a rdbms table could be used : -

Consider a query to find the names of all the bank customers who have either an account or a loan or both in a bank .


* To find the names of the customer who have an account and also a deposit account in the bank , the search query would consider the search to take over "depositor" relation table and the "borrower" relation table .


* In order to find out the names of all the customers with a loan in the bank , the query that could be used for the operation would be :



The upper relational equation is a form of projection which allows us to produce the relevant relation that returns the argument relation specified within the parenthesis . So as we are interested in finding out the names of the customers who have a loan account , the

relevant result would be fetched from the projection relation as mentioned in the above statement .


* Similarly , if we want to know the names of all the customers with an account in the bank , then it can be expressed in the following projection equation :





* Therefore , in order to find the answer to the raised question in our scenario that is discussed in the opening statement , one needs to do a "Union" operation over the two sets which is : we need all the customer names that appear in either both or two of the relations which can be found out by using the binary operation Union upon both the queries . The relevant relational equation can be represented in the given manner :



* The resulting relation for the query would result in a relation with the relevant tuples from both the tables


* The resulting relations are sets from which duplicate values are eliminated .


In Hindsight :

In our example , we took the union of two sets , both of which consisted of the attribute "customer_names" values . In general , one must ensure that unions are taken between compatible relations which would generate the appropriate results without duplicates.


* Points to note when using a Union Operation over relational sets :


If r is a set and s is set , and one needs to find { r U s } , If r is a set and s is set , and one needs to find { r U s } , then the conditions that should satisfy and hold for both relations

1)        The relations r and s must be of the same type and they must have the same number of attributes


2)   The domains of the ith attribute of r and ith attribute of s must be the same for all values of i . One may note that , both r and s are either database relations or temporary relations that are the result of relational algebra expressions as given in figure 1 and figure 2 of the article .

Monday, March 15, 2021

Classes and Objects in OOPS - a short introduction in Python


     Classes and Objects in OOPS


* A Class is a model or plan to create objects . This means , one can write a class with the attributes and actions of objects .


* Attributes are represented by variables and actions are performed by methods. Therefore , a class contains both variables and methods .


* The same variables and methods are also available within the objects because the objects are created from the class to which the variables and methods belong.


* These variables are also called as 'instance variables' because these instance variables can be created inside an instance like an object .


* One should remember the difference between a function and a method. A function which is written inside a class is called as a Method.


* Generally, a Method is called using one of the following two ways :

1) classname.methodname()

2) instancename.methodname()



* The general format of a class is given in the following manner:

Class Classname(object):

def _init_(self):

def method01():

def method02():


Friday, March 12, 2021

Creating Classes and Objects in Python

     Creating Classes and Objects  in Python


* One can create a class "Person" in which "Andy" and "Bandy" are the names of the objects within the class


* A Class can be created by using the keyword "class" infront of the name of the class that one is trying to make .


* A Class describes the attributes and actions performed by the objects of the class . Therefore , one can write the attributes ( Variables ) and actions ( Functions ) in the class as :


# This is a Class with the name Person attributes means variables

  Class Person:

  name = 'Andy'

  age = 20

# actions means functions

  def talk(cls):




* One can observe from the given code that the Person Class has two variables and one function . The function that is written in the class is called a Method .


* If someone wants to use this Class , then one should create an Object for the class first in the given manner .

 p1 = Person()

 Here , p1 is an object of the Person Class . Object 'p1' represents memory to store the actual data . The memory needed to create object 'p1' is provided by the PVM . One may be able to observe the function / method in the class in the given manner:


def talk(cls):


Here , 'cls' represents a default parameter that indicates the class of the object . Therefore , refers to the class variable 'Andy' . One can call the "talk()" method to display the object's details as :


Friday, March 5, 2021

Dictionary Methods in Python for processing of constituent Key and Value Pair Data Objects


Dictionary Methods in Python

* There are various methods to process the elements of a dictionary

 * These methods are used for retrieving and manipulating the contents of a dictionary

 * These various methods have been summarised in the given description table


Methods to process Dictionaries in Python


 1) clear()


This method removes all the key-value pairs from the dictionary 'd' .


2) copy()

d1 = dict.copy()

This method copies all the elements from the dictionary 'd' into a new dictionary object 'd1' .


3) fromkeys()


This creates a new dictionary with keys from a given sequence 's' and all the values set to 'v'


4) get()


This returns all the values associated with the key 'k' . If the key is not found , then it returns 'v'


5) items()


This returns an object that contains key-value pairs of dictionary item 'dict' . The key value pairs are stored as tuples in the objects .


6) keys()


This returns a sequence of keys from the dictionary object "dict" .


7) values()


This returns a sequence of values from the dictionary object "dict"


8) update()


This method adds all elements from the dictionary 'x' to the dictionary item object 'dict'


9) pop()


This method removes the key 'k' and its associated value from the dictionary object "dict" and returns the value associated with that key "v" is returned . If the key is not found and "v" is not mentioned then "KeyError" exception error is raised .


10) setdefault()


If the key 'k' is found , then its value is returned and if the key is not found , then the k,v pair is stored into the dictionary 'd'. In the given program , we are going to retrieve the keys from a dictionary object using the keys() method . The keys() method returns dict_keys object that contains only keys . We will be also able to retrieve the values from the dictionary object using the values() method . This method "values()" returns all the values in the form of a dict_values object . Similarly , the items() method can be used to retrieve all the key-value pairs into the "dict_items"

method can be used to retrieve all the key-value pairs into the "dict_items" object .





A Python program to retrieve keys , values and key-value pairs from a dictionary object

# dictionary methods - create a dictionary with employee details

dict =


  'Name' : 'D001' ,

  'Id' : '001',

  'Salary' : 1000



# print the entire dictionary


# display only keys

print(" values in dict = ", dict.values())

# display both key and value pairs as tuples

print(" Items in Dictionary =", dict.items())


Output :


   'Name' : 'D001' ,

   'Id' : '001',

   'Salary' : 1000


Keys in dict =dict_keys(['Name','Id','Salary'])

Values in dict = dict_values(['D001','001','1000'])

Items in dict = dict_items([('Name','D001'),('Id',001),('Salary',1000)])


In the given program, we are creating a dictionary by entering the elements from the keyboard and when the user enters the elements from the keyboard inside the curly braces , then the values inside the dictionary object are treated as key value pairs of a dictionary by using the eval() function . Once the elements are entered , one can find the sum of the values using the sum() function over the values of the dictionary .

The screenshot for the used code implemented over Jupyter Notebook is given as below :

An article on - Dictionaries in Python ( with example code and result of Dictionary Creation )

                         Dictionaries in Python


* A dictionary represents a group of elements arranged in the form of key-value pairs .


* In the dictionary , the first element is considered as "key" and the immediate next element is considered as the "value"


* The key and the associated value are separated by the help of a colon (:) operator


* All the key-value paris in a dictionary are inserted in curly braces { }


* One can take a dictionary by the name "dict" that contains the employee details in the following manner :


dict_01 =


'Name' : 'Gareeb' ,

'Id' : 001 ,

'Salary' : 0000



* The name of the dictionary item object in the given example is "dict_01"


* The first element in the dictionary is a string object called "Name" and its associated value is "Gareeb" .

The second item in the element is "Id" and its associated value is "001" . The third object in the dictionary object is "Salary" and its associated value is "0000"


* The above example is that of a dictionary object with its identifier name as "dict_01" . The dictionary item object is holding three values within it in the form of key and value pair .


* From this , we can get to see that there are 3 pairs of keys and values in the dictionary which can be shown in the below figure .




* To briefly explain the process of creation of a dictionary object , one can write a

program in the given manner :


# creating dictionary with key-value pairs

dict_01 =


    'Name' : 'Gareeb' ,

    'Id':001 ,



# Here a dictionary object is created with the following items in the form of

# key-value pairs - Name , Id and Salary

# If someone wants to retrieve the requisite values from the dictionary then one

# can do the following to retrieve the necessary objects

print(' Name of Employee ',dict_01['Name'])

print(' Id of Employee ',dict_01['Id'])

print(' Salary ',dict_01['Salary'])


The Code and Output for the same can be seen in the below given screenshot: