Friday, April 16, 2021

Class Methods in Python - An example of creation of a Class Method in Python along with sample code


    Class Methods in Python

* These are the set of Methods are act on class level . Class Methods are the methods which act on the class variables or static variables .


* The Class Methods can be written using @classmethod decorator above them .


* For example , 'cls.var' is the format to refer to the class variable which includes methods which can be generally called using the classname.method()


* The process which is commonly needed by all the instances of the class is handled by the class methods


* In the given example below, one can see the instance of the class which is handled by the class methods . The same program can be developed using an example class which can be used in the following manner .


* In the example , one can refer to a sample Bird Class for more insight into the description and elaboration of a Method Class . All the birds in nature have only 2 wings (as we mostly see , but there are abberations ofcourse ). Here , one can take an instance of a Bird Class . All the Birds in Nature have 2 wings , therefore one can take 'wings' as a class variable and a copy of this class variable is

available to all the instances of the Bird Class . In this Bird class , we will create a hypothetical method which applies to the functions that a Bird can operate upon and thus will make use of this method that is "fly" method (... to fly above the sky ... fly rhymes good with sky .. please accept from me a satirical High of Hi ... I am poetic too you know :P)


* So where was I .. ya I was at the forefront of creation of a class which would take into its ambit a Bird which would have some generic applicable class variables all applicable to the organism class of Birds like all Birds have a pair of wings .. that makes the count to 2 . And birds fly .. which is a method attributed to birds . These two class variables and class methods would be made use of to instantiate a generic sample class of a Bird


* So lets create a Bird with two wings and this flies too (I am sorry to know that when God created a Bird like Penguin , God forgot to add the the instance function "fly" to its class genus ... therefore I shall also keep this off the charts for penguins,kiwis and take only those birds which can fly ... up above the sky )


* Without further ado .. lets get to this class creation which would take into effect all the common features of all the instances of a Bird Class




# understanding class methods

class Bird:

     # calling a class variable

     wings = 2

     # creating a class method @classmethod

     def fly(cls,name):

     print('{} flies with {} wings'.format(name,cls.wings))


#display information of 2 birds'Garuda')'Pigeon')'Crow')'HummingBird')'Eagle')





Garuda flies with 2 wings

Pigeon flies with 2 wings

Crow flies with 2 wings

HummingBird flies with 2 wings

Eagle flies with 2 wings




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