Sunday, July 18, 2021

Twitter Sentiment Analysis Conceptual Infographic Notes | Getting Started with Sentiment Analysis based NLP Project with its main objectives , considerations , challenges , Approach and Steps


Introduction to the concept of "Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)" with 3 general questions and answers | An Infographic Note


More on this at :

An Introduction to Classification Algorithms with 10 fundamental questions | An Infographic Note with questions and answers


Questions Covered :
Q1) What are Naive bayes Classifiers ?
Q2) What do you mean by Probabilistic Classification ?
Q3) What do you mean by Statistical Classification ?
Q4) Give an example of Statistical Classification .
Q5) What is a Classifier Algorithm ?
Q6) Give some examples of various forms of classification .
Q7) Which is the most used Classification algorithm in Statistics ?
Q8) What are some of the characteristics of a Classification problem ?
Q9) What are the popular acronyms for samples , independent and dependent variables in Machine learning (ML)
Q10) What is the difference between Binary Classification and Multiclass Classification ?

Building "Rock-Paper-Scissors" Game Project in Python using Random Module and Conditional Loops | Infographic Note with Code and Explanation


Building a "Number Guessing Game by Computer" Project in Python using Random Module | Infographic Note with Code and Explanation