This technical blog is my own collection of notes , articles , implementations and interpretation of referred topics in coding, programming, data analytics , data science , data warehousing , Cloud Applications and Artificial Intelligence . Feel free to explore my blog and articles for reference and downloads . Do subscribe , like , share and comment ---- Vivek Dash
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Monday, June 7, 2021
Topics for Python - Basics ( Syntax , Construct , Variables , Operators , Data Structures , Decision Making statements , Loops , Functions , Object Oriented programming )
Topics for Python - Basics
1) Syntax
* One can explore
different mathematical operators and
calculations that can happen using
the available operators in Python
4) Data Structures
Decision Making Statements
If , If-else , Nested If else , chained conditionals of the else if type of statements , single statement conditions all come under the category of decision-making statements . Along with earning , one may also have to practice 10+ coding problems on a daily basis which would help someone get familiar with the manner in which one can scale up on the level of complexity of the programs and their creation
Loops :
Loops are the structures that repeat a sequence of instructions . Python deals with while loops , for loops and nested loops . Along with these one may also learn loop control statements which show the manner in which loops can be initialised , implemented , interjected and put to end in the desired way of the programmer .
Functions in Python
We will just put a small recap over Functions in Python :
User Defined functions are those functions which a user / programmer writes himself which takes programming constructs and statements to write a function which would achieve a desired result at the end of the function which may include the use of some built-in functions into the overall function code construct .
Built-In functions are those functions which are created as a part of the programme package at the time of creation of the Program package and its default libraries which come together with the program at the beginning of the program package .
Lambda functions are also some form of user defined function , however the construct is limited to only one line and this usually does the work of iteration over the elements of the function , access the individual elements , or use the functions to iteratively append , retrieve or delete some elements over an existing structure or a dummy/temporary structure .
* Along with the the basic concepts
of the scripting part of the Python Language one also needs to have a good understanding
of implementation
as well as creation of features in Object Oriented Language features of Python
2) Inheritance
3) Encapsulation
4) Abstraction
All these aspects of Programming in Python and how the same are going to be used in Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Modelling would be
discussed in further blogs . As I am getting disarrayed due to a some intermittent problems over my laptop I am not able to implement some of the important Algorithms and Modellling Processes . But soon , I hope to get these started on a better level .
modified: 21:32
Lists and Dictionaries in Python Dictionaries in Python
When should one use dictionaries and when should one use lists in Python
* Example where a List is used for data storage is an example of a shopping cart where any stored item object's storage does not matter .
* Example where a Dictionary Item object is used as a storage object is that of a an examination roll / rank number sheet ( parikhya patra ) where people are arranged on the basis of their marks obtained in some examination from Rank 1 to the last rank in the exam . Usually the person who obtains the highest marks in a given exam is attributted the 1st rank and the first roll number for that examination is also alloted to the first rank holder after the results are out , the successive role numbers are also attributed according the net marks obtained by an examiner in the considered case of the examination till the last rank/roll number of the examiner .
* A dictionary is very useful data storage object where one may need to access a given data based on the item that is present over a given index position within the storage object of the data structure .
To sum up once again for Lists and Dictionaries
* Lists are ordered data structure objects that means that the program has control over the
order in which the data is stored . This data is also sortable that means that the program can sort the data into whatever order when the data is needed to be fetched and retrieved , the list is also containing a list of iterable items i,e items that can be accessed one item at a time when the list object is iterated or
executed within a loop .
* Dictionaries are like the partially ordered data structures that
can control the order or the manner in which the data items are inserted and stored within the
object in the form of keys and attributes . Dictionaries are non-sortable
and iterable in pairs of both keys
and associated value objects .
modified: 18:49
Why is Artificial Intelligence a big fab hype in the recent IT and computing technology world - a collective article on current standpoint on AI
Why is Artificial
Intelligence a big fab hype in the IT and technology world
* The most comprehensible perception about artificial Intelligence in the current technological biome is a distopian future coupled with human-like looking and performing robots and realistic looking holograms that throw a completely realistic idea of a certain picture or scenario in which non-human like androids and droids would be acting and talking like real people and having human- level or even superhuman intelligence and capablities for performing a task which would be much complex and strenuous to humans . This concept is still beyond the aegis of reality as of now and this term is called as "Artificial General Intelligence(AGI)" and this does not exist anywhere on earth till now as depicted by some high-level CGI based movies in their content .
* But what is actually existing as of
now is that of a fractional level implementation of Deep Learning which is shortly known as DL which can do some small level specific
tasks which are better than people doing the computing task .. one needs
to keep in mind over here is that it
is only restricted to computing
activity and factory work . Still is believed that there are multiple fundamental level
limitations that does not properly
get developed into AGI - Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) . So the next level of algorithmic data science and machine learning development is that of innovating the present technology to come
up with better networks and better methods for shaping into an artificial Intelligence product .
* So
inorder to get a bird's eye view of where the development stands at , one might
need to look at the following persisting scenarios :
4) A possible architecture to achieve artificial general Intelligence
Last modified: 14:46