Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2020

Artificial Neural Networks in Machine Learning

Artificial Neural Networks in Machine Learning

What is A-B Testing and what is the goal of A-B testing

 What is A-B Testing and what is the goal of A-B testing 

A case study on Google Flu using Big Data

 A case study on Google Flu using Big Data

write a program in python to display the sum of two numbers using command line arguments and not by using input function

 write a program in python to display the sum of two numbers using command line arguments and not by using input function

Covariance method over arrays in python

 Cov method over arrays in python

python program to accept 4 integers in the same line and display their sum

  python program to accept 4 integers in the same line and display their sum

What is the distinguishing property of arrays

 What is the distinguishing property of arrays

What is meaning of the term Data Massaging

What is meaning of the term Data Massaging

Understanding Big Data - a short summary and poster

 Understanding Big Data - a short summary and poster